Singapore | 07 APRIL 2014

AdroitLogic announces v2.2.0 of the UltraESB

The version 2.2.0 of the UltraESB is a major release, that is recommended for LTS deployments with first class support for JDK 1.7

AdroitLogic Private Ltd. announced today the release v2.2.0 of its free and open source Enterprise Service Bus, UltraESB. The UltraESB is released under the OSI approved GNU Affero General Public License; as well as a zero-dollar commercial license. First released in January 2010, the UltraESB was the first ESB to utilize zero-copy proxying, coupled with non-blocking IO to provide extreme levels of performance.

This release further enhances the deployment aspects with improved deployment unit resource handling with the ability to externalize resources for much easier configuration without requiring a deployment unit update to change the resource configurations. From 2.2.0 onwards UltraESB is recommended to run on the latest version of the JDK 1.7. The XML and SOAP support mediation APIs has been improved to handle namespaces in an elegant manner with the use of variable argument methods for namespace handling.

This release introduces a new Split-Aggregate implementation for the XML support with much improved API. JSON Path support has been introduced to the JSON API for extraction and the processing of JSON message structures in an standard manner. It comes with an improved HTTP path handling for REST services with the ability to extract path parameters easily with the HTTP support mediation API.

FIX transport protocol has been added to the extended set of transports supported by the UltraESB using the QuickFixJ open source FIX implementation. The popular JavaBench performance testing tool has been integrated into the UTerm command line client and unified its behavior along the UTerm.

Many other generic enhancements has been done over the last release to improve the consistency of the UTerm commands. The metrics default step time has been brought down to 1 seconds and now the UConsole metrics dashboard shows individual detailed graphs for each and every stream. Further to that an option has been given to plot Min and Max values too over the Average value in almost all the graphs applicable (Gauges and Timers).

The v2.2.0 release full distribution is approximately ~42MB in size and includes over 70 samples, test utilities and documentation etc to get started quickly, while the minimal distribution is just 9.6 MB which is recommended for light weight deployments. The release can be downloaded from